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Everything posted by 1diddy

  1. Hahaha!...nice.😂
  2. Probably a bot. Many has been the time I've played against two Vinnsons, or two maetel999.
  3. Their reply to me regarding the fleetless Nations was that even though they cannot join a fleet or participate in wof, you can still "play" the game itself with alternate Nations. Therefore the nation's themselves and the ships in them are not useless and I am not entitled to a refund for the gold I spent to open them. NEVER be okay with the lottery system.
  4. It seems the resolution is off on my phone too.
  5. Gorskov please download the line app. I am continuing my conversation with naiadgames and I'm posting my comments and their replies in the Navy field Community chat room. It may give you a better understanding of their position on the subject.
  6. God I love you! Again you bring up points that I think but don't know how to put into words. Starting a new game is exactly what they should have done. It's clear that we all enjoy Navy field and have grown attached to the community. This is exactly what they are relying on to keep them going. We can bitch all day about how they've ripped us all off and ruined the game (which they have) but as long as we are all still here bitching about it...and they know we are playing....then they win. I asked them two days ago to refund me my money for each additional nation that I purchased as they are no longer needed. Because you can have only one nation in a fleet, the other nations (and ships in that Nation) no longer contribute to the games Dynamics. You can't use them. I sent a request via messenger and where as you normally get a reply within one day I am still waiting for reply to this request. In my opinion they don't care who they screw they just want to make money, so I encourage everyone who still wishes to play Navy field to only play stock ships and stop using the new system. Just so long as you are using the new system they are making money.... They win. Check my main account I tried the lottery system once... got a C tier submarine and haven't played it since. STOP ENABLING THEM.... STOP USING THE NEW SYSTEM.
  7. So.... you think that someone who has played Navy field for only the last 30 days should get a 100% refund. Anyone who play the game from it start, spent the time effort and money to get BB 120 shouldn't? So...you think it would be unfair for a player who hasn't even reached level 120 and has an S tier BB120 to have to compete against someone who actually earned their Battleship and spent the time to vet it? So... I think you should ask some of the captains who have spent the last year-and-a-half grinding the game only to have what they have accomplished taken away from them overnight, how they feel about a "fresh new start". There is a reason why many have left the game. Think about it. Never ever have I given someone a negative rating in the Forum. If I like what someone has to say I upvote them. If I disagree with what they have to say I may voice my opinion but I don't down vote them how's the Forum is a place to express opinions and ideas. I have found your opinion and ideas to be truly naive and ill-informed. Consider it part of your "fresh new start". ...... Okay I still find your opinion to be naive and ill-informed but I feel bad for downvoting you. As I said above the Forum is a place where everyone should be able to share their thoughts and ideas. I don't want to discourage anyone from participating in the forum. Flint I apologize for not being more open-minded and I look forward to more posts from you. I'll give you an upvote to bring you back to even. 😉
  8. Joseph is right. Losing the finest captains in Navy field is becoming depressing. Every day another one leaves. @Helmut.... Puissiez-vous trouver le bonheur partout où votre voyage vous mènera. Merci de me faire savoir. 😢
  9. Gorskov, thank you for your translation even if it did only bring sad news. I don't know when losing business made good business sense. Perhaps this is why the Won trades so badly against the dollar (Canadian). I am still playing my stock ships as best I can, a little less each day....
  10. I sent a copy to the devs via messenger. Well done baldrick!👍
  11. For those of you who aren't aware.... Helmut and Gorskov have been with navy field since nearly its beginning. They have always had a positive manner. I'm sure many new captains would have left the game without their guidance, however their help they did give and that is why we have some of the captains that we have today. Long time Captains such as Helmut and Gorskov are what make Navy field successful. The devs give us a game but Captains such as these two bring it to life. They are literally the "personality" of Navy field. I have always said that it is the community that makes Navy Field an enjoyable game to play. In no other game have I experienced such a tight-knit, close, and friendly group as there is here. The loss of these two veteran captains that you could say helped build Navy Field will hit harder than I think the devs know. The game will remain but it's heart will be gone. Believe you me.... If these two players leave then that will be the final straw for many more captains.
  12. Ok... 4) agreed. 9) same as I posted above. This is Navy field were talking about, we need to kiss (Keep It Simple Stupid).😂
  13. Ok... 1) agreed and well-thought-out. I might only disagree with nerfing the oxygen. 2) agreed. The amount of gold should be respectable. 3) agreed. 4) I'm not sure what you mean about hidden extras? 5) totally agreed. The lottery has to go. 6) agreed. 7) DEMANDED. My fleet is mine. I picked the captain's I want and I kicked the captain's I didn't. These people are my family and it took me a year-and-a-half to collect them. This has left me feeling bitter, betrayed, raped. 8) agreed. 9) agreed.... However I do have lower level captains that do participate in wof. If the gold is distributed amongst the top 20 sometimes they would miss the cut. If alts are to be allowed back in then the gold should be distributed equally amongst each account rather than top 20 captain. Thank you for taking the time to write this out baldrick. As usual your thoughts are concise and thorough. 🤗👍
  14. I just played a few games with flugalglavin. He was in his new BB and I was in my stock Atlanta. I was so proud of what a wonderful job I was doing of escorting him and shooting down continuous attacks by aircraft when I realized his Battleship had AAA😂. Historically this is correct and some battleships did have torpedoes and there was even a rumor of a Japanese Super Sub that could launch bombers. It was never built though. Other problems appear as my Atlanta can't keep up with most new BB now. The hardest part about escorting him was trying to keep up with him! Stock ships are completely unable to perform in GB, that's making 90% of my accomplishments futile. How are they going to fix that?
  15. Mr Gorskov and Mr Paul's. I agree with and support both of your comments 100%. Instead of writing it all out again (I'm tired and lazy from work) I'll just ask you both to read my reply in: "FRENCH AND ITALIAN FLEETS NEED OWN NATIONS" Forgot... In reference to ratings in Google Play Store. Many of us have already lowered our ratings with detailed explanations and I encourage everyone to do so as well. You will probably get the same response we all have...world map, new HA, blah blah blah. All I want is my friends back. My fleet chat is empty.
  16. Joseph I understand your grief. They made all the Italian and French ships op in some respect therefore they cannot put them all in their own Nation. Debris is just another useless item that is not needed or wanted (remember crew certificates). The real rub is the lottery.... It's a scam. It's just a way for Navy field to get your hard-earned gold, or even better get you to buy some. You see how fast it took you to go through the 1000 "free" gold and what did you get out of it? Only low-tier ships. I would want the ability to choose which ship I want, know what it's stats are, save up for it and buy it. Just like we always have done. They would probably charge something ridiculous like 10,000 gold per ship though. Long story short the lottery has to go. If I buy a bottle of champagne I shouldn't end up with a cheap Marlot.
  17. Drugs are bad😂 Sorry.... I've never heard of anything you describe happening to anyone else. My best solution at the time is to uninstall and then reinstall the app. Give it a try and I hope it works for you. 😉
  18. After I bitched about non-premium ships being absolutely useless and premium ships being average-at-best due to the latest patch (and captains having to play alone instead of enjoying the friendship of their Fleet mates), they sent me a message today telling me they plan to introduce a level 140- 150 BB. Like I'm actually going to spend any time on a ship that will probably be obsolete in 3 months.
  19. Yes
  20. Makes sense to me. I played a game and it was 4 to 3 with lots of time left (say 4 min) and the game just stopped and gave us the victory. This was just recently and it's never happened before.... Maybe the devs doing some real life Clowning Around.
  21. update

    What I don't understand about you guys as why you even bother trying.You KNOW they are going to change this or that 16 more times all at a cost to the player. The money resources and time that you spend today will be moot tomorrow. They just finished proving that this is how they work.
  22. I just got a message from Navy field via messenger that they have restored my 1Diddy account. I just checked and it's the same.... Half my fleet is gone. It's just another cut and paste response to avoid having to deal with their customers. The 1,000 gold is simply a bribe to get you to use the lottery system and get more of the new ships in the game. my posting immediately in west chat that whatever they were selling I'm not buying and they can take it back. Not only are the old premium ships now moot, but try playing against the new ships in the non-premium ships.
  23. The best part of Navy field has nothing to do with the game but is the community itself. Regular friends you can count on a few hours a day. The game itself is gone from a fun viable product that you didn't mind throwing a couple of bucks at to a time-consuming money grab. As the game dies veteran captains (and good friends) are leaving at a faster rate than I think they know about (or care). I myself have decided not to recruit any new captains. I don't want to make any new friends just to have them yanked away from me.. kind of like putting your Blood Sweat and Tears into level 120 BB and having it turned into a piece of crap overnight. I will simply stay with the captain's I have, every two weeks I'll kick the inactive ones, and when my last Captain is gone so am I.
  24. Okay The Game just crashed. When I managed to get back online my Russian and Japanese Nations had been kicked from my fleet. As well I am missing about 20 captains. Please restore my fleet to the way it was before the crash.
  25. Amen Dav.....Amen.