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Posts posted by Neuner

  1. Moin Christian,

    die Moltke ist schon ein sehr guter CA, aber die Hipper ist wohl noch um einiges besser. Ich habe die Moltke von vorn herein auf HA geskillt (3Maingun, 3FCS, 2Motor) und habe sie so bis zur Veteranen Crew gespielt. Aber versuche dich von feinlichen BB fernzuhalten. Geh lieber deine eigenen BB decken und kümmer dich um kleinere Schiffe, damit deine BB sich auf die gegnerischen Dickschiffe konzentrieren können.


    Gruß vom Neuner


  2. Ahoi Christian,

    die großen BB haben eine extreme Reichweite und lieben njnmal vergleichsweise ejnfach zu treffende CA, wenn sie bei Schlachtbeginn gerade auf die feindliche Flotte zulaufen. Versuche deinen Kurs ständig ein wenig zu variieren und lass den Gegner lieber mal zu dir kommen, du wirst sehen, dass du seltener durcheinen "oneshot" versenkt wirst.


    Weiterhin viel Spaß im Spiel!


  3. 10 hours ago, Cryos said:

    I know they use to have this or at least I seem to remember it being where the surrender button is now, but they switched it. [...]

    The button really had the name "Skip it" (or at least I know the German translation meant that) but when I once used it, it was surrendering - So the meaning was: "Skip that enemy" not skip the show of the battle.


  4. 9 hours ago, Cryos said:

    [...] I still think of the CA as a close fighter since it usually has a poor range compared to a BB

    [...] While visibly more appealing "Eye Candy so to speak" - In game function/practicality it doesn't work very well.  

    [...] What I would like to see changed - HA map size reduced. 

     [...] it would be nice if you could select the target for your ships attacks.  If that isn't possible, than make DD's target SS's first. 

    [....] Maybe put a timer if the defenders don't kill all the ships in XX time than they move on to the harbor and let the defense there take over[...]

    Some CA can manage the range of (small or unskilled) BB, for they have the same guns.

    Yes, new HA looks much better now tjan those stoppeddead fleet before. But it really takes a long time.

    Smaller Map might bring some benefit.

    Select the target (at least for Skilled attacks) would even the chances when the defender has same vetted ships and could fire first.

    The timer for the defending ships to return sounds good to me. But more realistic is, that not the defender but the aggressor would auto-retreat after some time. If you can't break through the line of defending ships you should just be not able to come close to the harbour.


  5. Für diese Woche wurden die folgenden Änderungen angekündigt: (neue Game-Version im store)

    1. Tägliche Missionen werden hinzugefügt

    2. Wenn eine Online-Schlacht volle zehn Minuten ohne Entscheidung dauert, wird zur Bestimmung des Siegerteams der Schaden von U-Booten bei der Berechnung halbiert

    3. U-Boote können unter anderen Schiffen unterdurchtauchen 

    4. Torpedos erhalten einen Mindesabstand (Sicherheitsabstand) in welchem sie nicht explodieren.

    5. Fehlerbehebung im Chat-channel.

    6. Das pop-up, ob man sein Schiff für Gold reparieren möchte wird entfernt.


  6. I think every torpedo and every bombshell should do it's damage... because that's what is the most realistic.

    Don't change that system for some #$!@#$@!- Players who mean they could decide who's doing good gaming and who is to sink by TeamKill in the beginning.

    Just give the teamkillers a hard punishment and they will stop to do so.

    And I don't mean to wait for players sending screenshots and giving the TK a ban or something like that... That's for all of us and the mods and the dev team inconvenient. Just do Justice by reducing the Teamkillers

         - Crew XP

         - Crew Level (for example: Captain & Gunner)

         - Captains Level


    I think that's a Good  (maybe the only) way to deal with it: Punish those TK by source code where it's most effective - at thelevel they played (not payed) hard for.


  7. When it comes to kamikaze Dive-Bombers, I'd also like to give my pilots the order to attack or to stay where they are (scouts) even if they'll not make it back home to the Carrier. 

    They should obey the order to fly-till-fuel-runs-out, for they've parachutes.


  8. If I might give another suggestion:

    Please take care for your customers voice. We give you our best suggestions for free to enhance your product. At least you could say "thank you" and check if the suggest is worth trying... ...or leaf any other comment, but don't just ignore our suggestions...

    Otherwise we might get the feeling you just don't take us serious...



  9. 1. Main Captain name:  Neuner

    2. In game level : 84

    3. Country you from:  Germany

    4. Mobile phone you using to play(we will deliver phone case prize according to model):  Samsung Galaxy S7

    5. Which tasks you completed from A-H:   I completed a, b, c, f

    6. Total marks you got from your calculation(30 to 100): 50

    ~~~THE Following should be send via email as privacy are involved~~~

    7. Email send to [email protected] with title "Captain name - NFM summer event"  along with 1. your forum account name and 2. your in-game registered googlemail/facebook address:   On its way


  10. Ahoi Phaq,

    I fear this would increase Suicide-Torp-Attacks and don't think this would get us a better gameplay. Even if I often thought like you, when I got sunk while my bombs still on the fly...

    So worth a discussion, for sure!


  11. Ahoi zusammen.
    Es sind noch drei Tage bis das große "Sommer Event" endet.
    Die Preise staffeln sich je nachdem wie viel "Werbung" man machen kann/möchte.

    Ganz ambitionierte können dabei auch eine "hübsche Trophäe" abstauben😒, aber auch für bereits "ein wenig" social Media (50 Punkte) bekommt man bereits 3000 Gold 🤑 was immerhin die Kosten des LvL110-Prem-BB deckt. 😉


    Ich habe mal die Aufgaben und Preise aufgelistet, ist aber auch alles im Forenkalender nachzulesen.


    A. 5 Sterne-Bewertung im Play store/Apple store!  (+30 marks)

    B. Link öffentlich im Facebook teilen mit "Come join me in Navyfield Mobile!" (+10 marks)

    C. Link twittern und kommenrieren "Come join me in Navyfield Mobile! (+5 marks)

    D. Eine gute Spielbeschreibung verfassen und auf Instagram veröffentlichen: mit Foto (+10 marks) oder mit in-game video (+15 marks)  (maximum 15 marks)

    E. Auf YouTube ein eigenes Video aus dem Spiel hochladen (+15 marks)  (Die Beschreibung muss den Namen des Kapitäne, "Navy Field mobile game" und den entsprechenden Link beinhalten)

    F. Link auf Google+ teilen (+5 marks)

    G. Das Spiel fünf mal live streamen auf Mobcrash/ Omlet Arcade/ Twitch/ Youtube gaming APP.  (+10 marks)

    H. Eine gute Spielbeschreibung verfassen und in diversen Foren oder WW2 Seiten veröffentlichen... (+10 marks)


    Belohnung für die Werbung: 

    I . 50 marks =  3,000 gold

    II. 75 marks =  7,000 gold + NavyField Smartphone Hülle

    III. 100 marks =  10,000 gold +  Trophäe!   (Lotterie bei mehr als zehn Spielern)


  12. Ahoi,

    ich bin mir nicht sicher, ob es jemandem hilft, aber hier die deutsche Übersetzung der Patch Ankündigung:


    1. Problem mit den UBoot Torpedos behoben

    2. Problem mit den Schiff-Skills in der HA -Verteidigung behoben

    3. Neue Gegenstände im Shop

    4. Breite der Karte im online Battle erhöht

    5. Fehlerhafte Daten der Meister-Crew Beschreibung berichtigt 

    6. Probleme bezüglich extra XP bei Premium Schiffen und Schiffsklassen im allgemeinen behoben

    7. Zusätzlicher Chat Kanal
    wählbar zwischen Ost (Asiatisch und Koreanisch) und West (Englisch und "westlich")


  13. On 23.8.2017 at 8:59 AM, Neuner said:

    Since last update the defending Player can't use his HA-Skillz anymore. I don't know whether bug or feature, but I like it most!


    There's a patch announcement for the next Monday... They'll fix the "Bug" for Defensive-Skillz. :S


  14. On 21.8.2017 at 8:59 PM, Cryos said:

    [...]  I've had a HA take over 20 minutes, before I just surrendered just because of a single sub staying submerged and/or out of range.  [...]This is an assault not chase a conquer.  Thanks 

    Damn, that really sounds a siege and not assault...😩

    ...I will put immediately three SS in my defense line... 😜


  15. 12 hours ago, Gronk said:


    The initial stats don't look that great except it has as much hull strength as some CA's.



    If it's worth a million, depends on where you will want to use it.

    Thinking about limited WoF during the WoF-Tournament, I'd say let's add some CA the size of DD to the limited amount of 3 BB 



  16. 11 hours ago, Gronk said:

    [...] They are geared up for HA.

    The opposition was 3 CL, 2 BB, and a CV. From the icons, they were also at least somewhat geared up for HA.. [..]

    Then, of course, I got wiped out by the defensive buildings. But still...

    Since last update the defending Player can't use his HA-Skillz anymore. I don't know whether bug or feature, but I like it most!

    Even if I had a strong veterans defense-line myself, it always bored me that's there's nothing you can do about high-level-defender.

    HA defender buildings became far more important with that upgrade, for sure!
