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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2020 in Posts

  1. 0 points
    We released 5.2.9 version for Apple and Android. You can update your app for latest version at market. - Patch List 1. Raining weather defect fixed for low spec phone. 2. Chat font size option added. Thank you.
  2. 0 points
    Hello all. I would like to elaborate the rules of typing in chat as well as in game. 1.) No spam of any kind is allowed. (if you know me in game you know this is my pet peeve!) I always say it. Its hard to filter out the spam from the real reports that we need to take care of. Spam accounts, spamming chat, or spamming the report system will result in immediate action. If the incident just occurred we will investigate further. 2.) (ALL!) languages are allowed in chat. Please be respectful towards others and do not report them for typing another language besides your own. It is NOT against the terms to speak other languages. And no spam is not a language. 3.) I myself only speak English. If you have a problem and do not speak English, below is a list of moderators who speak other languages. If you see them on feel free to contact them either in game or on this website via PM. 1. Vinnson : English, Chinese 2. Captain Crash : Dutch 3. Maniac45 : French, English 4. Nusrat : Turkish 5. Ethor98 :English 6. President: Arabic 7. Elite92: Italian 8. Blondie87: Dutch,German 4.) The devs recently just implemented a filter. Any person caught breaking the filter will be chat banned for 48 hours. No exceptions. 5.) Any person with RED font is a moderator. Not a hacker. Please be respectful towards us and the community. 6.) Please use appropriate captains names or ship names. Spam in either one will result in a report to the GM. Please note that any updates, changes, or any other additional rules may be added via the discretion of the moderators, devs or GM. If you wish to appeal or have any questions feel free to contact us via a contact forum @ http://mobile.navyfield.com/FAQ/Contactus.aspx As always we thank you for continued support of this game. We are here to serve you, the community. Hope to see you in game! -ethor98 Navyfield Mobile Moderator
  3. -2 points
    We start 3rd anniversary event as follows Enjoy your sailing!