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Everything posted by mundzuk

  1. Well, for me this is a game and we should not mix this with that kind of things. Off topic: want apologize to neuner if i was disrespectful to him today in game. I really hope u forgive that bad attitude from me (seriously).
  2. Totally agree with baldrick. He says what i want with a lil more respect than me. And i think neuner is actually bringing politics concerns to the game. On other hand, i can give to you the name of 150 countries at least where "gloryfying" nazis is not forbidden by law. In addition, even when i think this guy adolf69 actually is gloryfying nazis, we can have so much doubts about it. Endsieg is a word used from wwi at least. Adolf is a german name used a lot of time before Hitler and 69 mean he is a kid. I say he is a guy who think he is a baddass with that name. What about if my ship name is guderian or steiner or rommel? I think you dont have any base to ask for this. EDIT: If u think denying the nazi crimes is offensive, u should report it. Even, if i see anybody feels offended because that, maybe i will report. That is out of discussion.
  3. Hahaha... But in a serious note now, maybe you should go to play candy crush, nobody can hurt your feelings there. Maybe tomorrow you will want ban all kriegsmarine ships. Maybe tomorrow korean and chinese players will want ban all japanese names too or german want ban all nations ppl saying they are guilty lol. Im not part of that nazi ppl that you say, just im saying leave your traumas out of the game. Being legal according the game rules, u can answer to "nazi" players, if their words are illegal, just reporta, but please stop crying. As a wizard said, "with respect". Greetings.