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Posts posted by baldrick

  1. 7 hours ago, 愚蠢的人类 said:

    I think the new radar layout is designed to give more buttons to the weapons. For example, fifth formations of aircraft.

    Some higher tier I-400 sub has bow, stern tubes plus 2 squads of planes. these were overlapping the dive button.


  2. The dive dial needs improvement (add slide control much like the speed dial instead of long push), The radar is only useful as a centre screen to ship button. I have suggested before and repeat again that they could bring radar functionality by plotting a green blob on the main map (beyond the visual range) as the radar scans around. It will not move and fade until the next scan but radar assisted manual aiming will become possible.


  3. Partly agree, except for the embassy part. (I'm really against any unnecessary complexity)

    1st Italy and France on their own Nations - there is no need to parasite on others

    2nd many fleets require and/or have recruitment fleets. legalise these fleets by making them official spin-offs (that cannot give/get wof points to mother fleet). Alt nations should be able to join any allied fleet (more than one nation per player in a fleet allowed without counting towards the 50 players cap).



  4. A moderator's job is to suppress insults and general insanity out of the E&W global chats by rendering silent the offenders for 24 hours. I don't see anything wrong with that - except the occasional abuse of mod powers (that you are well aware that can be kept in check).


  5. 21 hours ago, 1diddy said:

    I'm going to laugh my ass off when they change everything again and all the time and gold and resources that you put into these new ships has gone for naught.

    I'm feeling the embrace of the dark side and enjoy it.

    I've done (sane) researches (~60) of 50 -150 gold and max steel/oil each across 5 nations and built a tier B BB (which was fun at the start - when the battles were not thick with A & B BBs), several tier C CLs, 2 CAs and a DD which I enjoy playing a lot, a tier B SS that feels like a chore and 2 A tier BBs that are fun.

    Bottom line is I don't regret the time spent or resources (mainly ~3500 gold - which I don't miss as with the 1000 gold bonus and by doing campaigns and survival I had not done I'm just 500 gold short from what I started when the dreaded patch came in).

    The game could have been way better, but we have to go on with what we have (if we choose to go on). Even when the next update comes around with the 130/140 level ships I don't believe they will render all the A tiers obsolete, just that you will know what you will build beforehand and not the uncertainty of the lottery.

    PS. That I play the game as is and enjoy it, does not mean I have changed my heart. I still think that the lottery has to go, a tree to substitute it and Italy and France created.



  6. 32 minutes ago, barmatuha said:

    From 12 attacks there was 10 empty ports, one with 1 CL and only 1 opponent had full fleet.
    Mb it's possible to do filter on empty one? Or nobody care?

    Without any motive to repopulate the harbour defence no one will bother (I haven't).

    Maybe the devs should default the best available ships for defence, or use the attacking fleet if there is one for defence as well.


  7. Once upon a time HA took resources from other players, they were actually removed from the defending player (if lost) and added to the attacker. At that time every player struggled to get a strong defending fleet. Then they realised that that system only robbed the poor to give to the rich, so resources were not removed from the defender if lost, just given to the winning attacker out of nothing. Then they limited the HA to level 65, precluding low level players from resources (for some reason). Most players did not bother removing their defending fleet, even strengthened it with new ships as they became available - or just used their attacking fleet for defence as well, presenting a good challenge. Then the developers in their infinite wisdom forced every player to remove their defending fleets - and without any motive to add them again the only fleets remaining in defence are those of inactive players.

    And this is how the developers of the game roll



  8. 13 hours ago, Polina Kitty said:

    The submarines should be reliant on battery power as an indicator for diving not air indicator 

    Battery relies on engines/speed, would a lurking sub have unlimited waiting time?

    Oxygen simulates better the need to surface after some time

    A battery indicator (limiting the distance a sub can travel while submerged) should only be used together an oxy indicator - not instead of.


  9. I think that for a Kaiser* (B tier) at 5000g + 3000g + 5000g = 13000g + other resources is way too much and cripples poorer players (that until now had a very much playable and competitive game albeit at a much slower pace than paying players).

    Gold should only be used for some - not all - ships and for accelerating the game rewards (more xp per battle, buy xp, finish builds earlier, buy resources).

    *or other premium B tier

    Consider linking your proposal to: What do you want for 2019?



  10. 2 minutes ago, 1diddy said:

    Am I missing something here? To me HA has always been a boring mindless grind.

    I never play it.

    So maybe I am missing something but to me it was completely automated with absolutely no control of the outcone.I can find better ways to waste five minutes of my life.

    I had proposed some time ago to wipe HA from the game as a distracting mini-game within the game has no purpose. Apparently not many shared my view and forgot about it until now.



  11. 2 minutes ago, Pauls said:

    I would add one thing. There are so many types of BB that not all have to be similar at the same level. Let for example some of them be faster and have stronger AWW, while others are slower but with stronger main guns. If the types count of types would be as it was earlier, of course they should be comparable. But now a certain variety would be nice.

    They certainly should be different. they should be balanced (within tier, with tiers being progressively stronger) by hull, armour, range, damage, no of guns, reload, secondary guns. Meaning that (for example) a ship with stronger guns should have a lesser number, a ship with high broadside weight should have smaller hull etc. the sum of qualities should be balanced making same tier battleships approximately equals in battle (a good example was a kaiser vs queen victoria. as long as the kaiser managed to control the distance had the upper hand, once distance closed QV had the upper hand. In fleet that was even more balanced as the QV would be targetted by many ships as she tried to approach the enemies)

    Sorry for not making it clear in the first place. I definitely do not want all ships to be the same with different graphics and variety is nice.


  12. Resubmitting the Ship balance proposal, edited to include AAW guns for BBs after discussion.

    Properly balance ships. Remove all mines/torps, sonars etc from BBs - target is to make BBs vulnerable to SS so they depend on escorts to be successful. Similarly other ships (no sonars & launchers on CVs). A few oddballs (Mogami44, I400, Kitakami) are nice and give colour to the game.

    • BBs gun only with secondary AAW- similar tiers should have similar balance of hull, armour, range, damage, no of guns, reload, secondary guns (with some nations having the edge in one of these - 7 stats, 7 nations). Be careful on broadside weights, size and speed.
    • CAs fast guns with AAW secondary gun option
    • DDs fast, CLs powerful ASW and AAW ships
    • SSs silent hunters - Give some higher torpedo damage to higher tiers as now A tier BBs are unsinkable by subs
    • CVs BB killers at range (supposing BBs are of BB size and speed - No Ammirragrio Di Saint Bon unless reclassed as CA - with CA stats

    Some ships - especially new ones are way out of balance. e.g. the B tier Bretagne and Paris BBs have broadsides of 30000 AND good range AND launchers.

    The game is fun as naval tactics. Having a couple of BBs work together and sweep through GBs is not fun.

    Link to thread with original suggestion:


  13. 26 minutes ago, Pauls said:

    I agree with most of what wrote Baldrick,  but with a few things definitely not.

    • BB's should have AWW as in real world, becouse it's historical! But all, not only new ones. It's ridiculus that pre-dreadnoughts have quite effective AWW, and new, even undeveloped eg. California, Nebrasca, or other project not.
    • Lottery system. I would ideally liquidate it, but if it absolutely has to stay, as Helmut said, we must be able to choose a class. I draw 9 CV, which i don't play, and I definitely didn't want them. Other option is add possibility to sell/exchange blueprints between players.  Tier of lottery ships should be strictly dependent on the player's level!  There has to be a benefit system for people, who have spent so much time and money to get a high level.


    Real world BBs had the most sophisticated AAW systems of their era (several guns from 1/2"-5" with dedicated directors and radars). Many were used as harbour AA defence. HOWEVER if BBs are not dependent on AAW ships (DD/CL/CA) for their AA cover, then CAs get killed and DDs & CLs only have an ASW function in the fleet. Thus I propose and insist on keeping the classes distinct, with distinct functions in a fleet - so that a good battle happens by nice cooperation between players.

    A year ago I had written the "Unofficial battle tips"* that was how a battle (should have) happened back then (IMO). Giving Battleships AAW and launchers just renders obsolete the smaller ships.

    The game is not realistic, never had been nor that is its purpose. In my view the game is about fast and fun battles (therefore for balance some ships have extraordinary qualities - like 30kn subs able to take a BB broadside and DDs doing 60 kn)

    *The unofficial battle tips are dated but consider it was written before occupation zones, auto-aim update (to compensate for target speed - targeting point was fixed close to bow of target dictating manual aim at long ranges) and at a time that BB100s were rare, nevermind 110s & 120s


  14. Abandon the lottery scheme.

    Make a ship tree and captain progress should follow that tree. (Already done research by the lottery scheme will leave branches in the air. Lucky those who have them).

    Earlier suggestion was to upgrade ships by level - it is too late for that now, levels are irrelevant.


  15. Improve dev - players communication:

    The forums are here for persistent discussion.

    Game chat, discord and line are chat systems good for announcements

    Facebook also offer chat capabilities, has a big userbase and is good for persistent announcements. Also offers another nice tool: Poll.

    The developers can very well present a problem to their users (that many players are "spying" in other fleets in this case), propose the solution(s) they found (kick all alts from fleets) and LISTEN to player suggestions.

    They can then rank the suggestions and pick one or (even better) use the poll tool and let the users decide the best action.

    So it could have been like this:

    Day 1 (Announcement in Discord, Line, Facebook, and every 1-2 hours in game chat):

    It has come to our attention that many players join fleets with the intention of spying for another fleet. The NF team will take action to stop this behaviour. Please check the "Suggestions" Forum at for details. Discussion will happen until (3-5 days later), followed by a poll in facebook to reach the best solution from [date] to [date] (2-3 days after thread closure).

    Day 1 (Forums)

    Opening of thread for discussion under suggestions. Detail problem, moderate conversation and state specific dates for proposals taken and discussed, poll and implementation. Do give feedback in proposals (such as: good idea but will require 150 hours to code, thus cannot be implemented please consider dropping this or that feature - or make alternative suggestion)

    Day 4

    Opening of poll in facebook

    Day 6-7

    Announce results of poll and course to be taken - followed by explanation if the solution to be implemented is not the most popular one (it's still your game and we know you are here to make money from the game - we have conflicting interests)


    This way you give the community a sense of participation, the community will come up with some ideas (thus giving you back some work hours spent for doing all this) and everyone will be happier. (I think)

    Link to original thread:


  16. Revisit ship upgrades.

    While the ship upgrade system with the 8 slots is nice, as it is implemented there are actually only 2 builds for each ship, one for GB/WOF and one for HA.

    FCS: As is only reason to upgrade is to get HA bonuses - no functionality in online battles. Suggestion: increase sight/radar/sonar bonuses and maybe add a 5% chance for critical hit (+50% damage or so) bonus at each upgrade.

    Main Guns: for most CAs and BBs the lvl 3 guns are the only way to go. If the difference between levels was smaller there could be a reason to build a battleship with eg. gun lvl 1 or 2 in order to get some other upgrades.

    Sec Guns: as is only reason to upgrade is to get AAW enabled status. Suggestion get all levels CL/CA sec guns AAW enabled (DD/CL prime guns where applicable) and give them different bonuses each level (eg. lvl 1 small range/slow reload/high damage, lvl 2 med range/med reload/ low damage, lvl 3 med range/ slow reload/ high damage) so any setting will be an option with higher levels a little more appealing

    Armour: instead of belt/deck/bulge in separate upgrades have all of them in each, increasing by a percentage (eg. lvl1: 1000/600/250, lvl2: 1250/800/500, lvl3 1500/1000/1000)

    Torpedoes: not bad as is. Hedgehogs need a small boost to become relevant again - probably a bundle of 5 as stated is a good idea

    Speed: not bad as is

    Flightdeck: Irrelevant in any ship other than CVs and mogami44. Could be dropped from other ships

    Aircraft: is there any bonus for the fighter upgrade? if there is please make it apparent. if not a small one would be nice.


    Original post:

