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Since new patch arrive, now there something that other captain concern. And demand it to be realised. For a captain who start fresh on new French and Italian nation, so are the new player, found out it was very hard to fought a ship that is superior, higher tier than than theirs. Even though it was a same ship. But different tiers. Because of this, it may discourage them to play more of this game. Decide to quit earlier. For who has the higher tier, will surely win. But this not only affect beginners but also a veteran captain who having trouble fighting higher tier ship. For example, is it fair for C tier battleship fought S battleship? Adding more that S had an advantage of NUKING A WEAK PLAYER!! Now because of this, it is decided that a Tier Battle mode must be added. but without removing the Great Battle mode. Available for every level. DD, CL, CA, BB, CV, SS are welcome but only at same tier. Better make use of that ship TIER sir. Thank you.
I wanna bring my my idea towards Devs for a new Patch. Since the Research Center, the nations lost mostly their specific advantages. Before Research Center, every nation had its own specific advantage, like gun range of the German ships, armor of the British ships, Speed/Agility of Japanese ships and so on. With the new ships of French/Italian nation and the new national ships with higher tier these specific advantages of each nation got lost, cause new US ships can have the same range as German ships and so on. So my idea is, giving all the ships, a captain has in his nation, a specific percentage improvement of the advantage, the nation had been known of in the past. Something like about 5% improvement. So if you have the German nation, every ship, he has, would have a plus of 5% of his gun range. Or British nation would get a plus of 5% plus for every shipâs armor and so on. if this could be arranged by Devs, all nations would get back their specific tactical advantages, which had been lost with the research center. So, if you would comment this post, if this idea is good or bad or can be realized or not, would be nice.
And so came a new patch, with hundreds of new ships, with obscure stats and upgrades, many of which we have no idea what are and how powerful they are. And so I started a Crusade to catalog all possible data on the new ships stats "it is not our job to do that, it's the developers' job" - Togo Taisho "it is impossible to catalog so many ships" - Sasa Pinjic Yeah, it is not our job, and it is impossible to do it... alone But I started anyway, and I can't do this alone, and so I need the help from the community. I have built this table in a google drive (, it should have free access to view (but not edit). I will request the help with information in the following pattern, and the data will be available to everyone. Even though it is unstable and prone to many changes, I am still willing to do this. It is also important that with all this information we should be able to identify abnormal and erratic behaviors of ship upgrades, which we could inform the devs to fix them. I hope to count on the help from the community, even though many are completely unhappy about the patch and believing that this should be undone. EDIT 1: some people have been having trouble to identify the "upgrade zero", also called by others as "stock", which are the parts of the ships before the first upgrade. To identify that, use the ship's info tab like in the screenshot below. The number showed is the final value after all bonus (parts upgrades and crew bonus). And the green/red number in parentheses next to it, is the overall bonus added to the base value of the ship. Therefore, if you pick the total value minus the green/red number (or sum if the number is negative), you can find the base number: From the picture above, we can identify that the stock main gun of the C CA Trento is 1 barrel, 1583 range, 860 damage and 414 reload time. Also note that the Hull is =23430-2130 = 21300, and that the bonus (2130) is exactly 10% of the hull, that is because the repair crewmen are Senior (10% bonus to ship health). EDIT 2: I am adding a to do list, and the ship names with strikethrough are marked as cataloged **CLASS DD *Grade E Jaguar; L'Adroit; Le Fantasque; Oriani; Soldati I; Soldati II; Turbine; National DD1 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National DD3 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN) *Grade D Jaguar; L'Adroit; Le Fantasque; Oriani; Soldati I; Soldati II; Turbine; National DD1 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN) ; National Premium DD1 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN) ; National DD3 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN) *Grade C Soldati II; National Premium DD1 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National DD50 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN) **CLASS CL *Grade E Capitani Romani; Di Giussano; Duca d'Aosta; Duca degli Abruzzi; Duguay Trouin; Emile Bertin; Jeanne d'Arc; La Galissonniere; Pluton *Grade D Di Giussano; Raimondo Montecuccoli; National CL8 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National Premium CL8 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National CL18 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National Premium CL18 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN) *Grade C Capitani Romani; Di Giussano; Duca d'Aosta; Duca degli Abruzzi; Duguay Trouin; Emile Bertin; Jeanne d'Arc; La Galissonniere; Pluton; Raimondo Montecuccoli; National CL8 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National Premium CL8 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National CL18 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National Premium CL18 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN) **CLASS CA *Grade E Algerie; Suffren; Tourville; Trento *Grade D Algerie; Bolzano (1942); Suffren; Tourville; Trento; Zara; National CA25 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National Premium CA25 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National CA32 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN) *Grade C Algerie; Bolzano (1942); Suffren; Tourville; Trento; Zara; National CA25 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National Premium CA25 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National CA32 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN); National CA41 (USN, RN, IJN, KM, SN) Other ships to the list to be added later. There is also the chance that I have missed some ships in some grades, as i am not aware of all of them.
greetings to all, not modestly I think I am an easygoing and quiet person but now I'm really tired both of this game and the modes of communication (absent) between the Team of developers and this Forum and consequently with us players, here we are before another umpteenth patch not announced, not agreed, not discussed, ....., never once our suggestions are accepted !, at the moment I do not know the content of the patch yet, I noticed that the HA changes again and than is granted (inexplicably for me) a further 30% of damage to the torps planes of CV "A" 2 "S" ??, no comment on any improvements in the chat until i see, maybe this patch will improve the game (objectively we can not say the opposite "a priori") but it is this system so arbitrary and arrogant that context, for once you can hear the suggestions of those us who keep alive this game for 18 months !!đ€đ€, please Team read and follow (if possible) the Baldrick's suggestionsđ PS, for one time my apologies Team, seems that you follow just one suggest about increase debris reward in daily questsđđ, remain the trouble for way of communication between us, imho
A copy of NF announcement in facebook 4.3.2 version released! We updated 4.3.2 version for iOS & Android. 1. Added Captain's requirement level for the construction of blueprints from ship research. - When a ship is to be constructed with blueprint obtained through ship research, Captain requires certain level. - S grade first Battleships: Captain Requires Level 100 (Nebraska S grade in US, Queen Victoria S grade in UK) - S grade second Battleships: Captain Requires Level 90 (California S grade in US, Nelson S grade in UK) - S grade Aircraft Carrier and Submarine: Captain Requires Level 90 - A grade Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, Submarines: Captain Requires Level 80 - B grade Battleships, Aircraft Carriers, Submarines: Captain Requires Level 60 - C grade ships do not have a Captain's requirement level. 2. Debris can not be converted to gold - Debris will be given as a reward of Random Box and Daily Quest only. - You will not be able to convert Debris to Gold since version 4.3.2. 3. Fixed crash issue. 4. Add new skins for S grade ship of UK Thank you.
Patch list 1. Add new raid map. (Raid map will be 5 total) 2. Modification accurary for CL, CA, BB - Short distance (700 standard) improved by about 8% - Medium distance (1600 standard) improved by about 14% - Long distance (3000 standard) improvement of about 11% 3. End of 1st anniversary event - Online battle (including raid) Win 100% supply box -> 50% changed Thanks.
Braucht ĂŒberhaupt irgendjemand eine deutsche Ăbersetzung? đ€
Ahoi, heute wurde wieder ein Patch durchgefĂŒhrt: 1. Hafenangriff: Die Wartezeit der FĂ€higkeiten wird bei allen Klassen reduziert 2. Die Stahl-Belohnung fĂŒr Zerstörer und Leichte Kreuzer angehoben 3. Der Mindestabstand fĂŒr U-Boot Torpedos wird wieder abgeschafft 4. Bugfix: U-Boote können als Ziel angewĂ€hlt werden 5. Belohnungen werden sowohl fĂŒr das Ergebnis in der KapitĂ€nsrangliste als auch in der Flottenrangliste eingefĂŒhrt 6. Beide Teile des Hafenangriffs werden angepasst: a. Teil eins wird deutlich schneller ablaufen b. Die Verteidigungswaffen werden entfernt und durch richtigen Schaden ersetzt. c. Das Bild des Hafens und der Karte werden ersetzt d. Wenn ein UBoot den Hafen erreicht, gewinnt der Angreifer e. Wenn die Garnision zerstört wird, wird der Sieg/Niederlage Ablauf verĂ€ndert 7. Anpassen der Aufteilung in der Online Schlacht 8. Die Mienen aus den Ecken der Karte in der Online Schlacht werden wieder entfernt 9. Ein neues Online-AnfĂ€nger-Training wird eingefĂŒhrt (5 bis 8 Karten) a. Inklusive eines zusĂ€tzlichen feindlichem Flugplatz, um die Flugabwehr zu ĂŒben 10. Die TĂ€glichen Aufgaben werden angepasst: a. Die Aufgabe an Online Schlachten teilzunehmen wird zufĂ€llig vergeben mit steigender Anzahl an geforderten Teilnahmen. 11. Die sekundĂ€ren GeschĂŒtze der FlugzeugtrĂ€ger werden in Reichweite und Schaden angepasst 12. Wetterbedingungen werden eingefĂŒhrt (Seegang und Bewölkung) 13. Das Tutorial fĂŒr Einsteiger wird ĂŒberarbeitet Viel SpaĂ, 9er
FĂŒr diese Woche wurden die folgenden Ănderungen angekĂŒndigt: (neue Game-Version im store) 1. TĂ€gliche Missionen werden hinzugefĂŒgt 2. Wenn eine Online-Schlacht volle zehn Minuten ohne Entscheidung dauert, wird zur Bestimmung des Siegerteams der Schaden von U-Booten bei der Berechnung halbiert 3. U-Boote können unter anderen Schiffen unterdurchtauchen 4. Torpedos erhalten einen Mindesabstand (Sicherheitsabstand) in welchem sie nicht explodieren. 5. Fehlerbehebung im Chat-channel. 6. Das pop-up, ob man sein Schiff fĂŒr Gold reparieren möchte wird entfernt.